Welcome to St. George Orthodox Christian Church. We invite you to join us, and become part of the church's life and worship. Please take a moment to fill out a Visitor Information Form.


We are located at 5311 Mercer St. in Houston, Texas.


Most of those who attend St. George are Orthodox Christians, who are familiar with the the way we worship. The following article provides a basic introduction, to help newcomers prepare for their first visit.

First visit

Our Faith

The Orthodox Church is the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles. It is organically and historically the same Church that came fully into being at Pentecost (Acts 2). Today, the Orthodox constitute the second largest Christian body in the world. Some 200 million people identify themselves as "Orthodox," most of whom live in Russia, Greece, Romania and other eastern European countries, as well as throughout the Middle East. Approximately 4 million Orthodox live in the United States, concentrated primarily in the Northeast, Midwest and California. Read more

Our Church

We, the Church of St. George, are a local expression of the Orthodox Church, the original Christian Church founded by Jesus Christ upon His Holy Apostles. For nearly 2,000 years, Orthodox Christians have lived and passed on the fullness of the spiritual Way of Life from generation to generation.

We are a culturally diverse community of immigrants and american-born members with connections to various regions the country world. 


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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